I See You, I Hear You: Music for Caring by TRACK

I See You, I Hear You: Music for Caring
Presented by TRACK
December 23-26, 2020

I See You, I Hear You was an international exchange program that calls for striking emphatic conversations on the pandemic crisis through visualized music. Regardless of the level of musical or artistic experiences, various participants joined this project, which was realized through online workshops and recorded performances. The outputs of the project are accessible in the newly launched website www.musicforcaring.com 

The project featured Japanese and Filipino artists/performers  including Tomomi Shimizu (Japan), Neil Cervantes (PH), and Mirjam Dalire (PH). The co-curators were Chung Shih Hoh (SG), Noy Narciso (PH), and Motohide Taguchi (Japan).